
Crunches Aren’t Working - Is It Time for a Tummy Tuck? 

Dec 14, 2023
Crunches Aren’t Working - Is It Time for a Tummy Tuck? 
Sometimes, the best nutrition and exercise routine simply doesn’t deliver the desired results for a host of possible reasons. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get the body you’ve been working for. 

The official name for the surgery many of us refer to as a tummy tuck is abdominoplasty.  It’s a safe and effective method for changing the shape of one’s body for people who are good candidates.

Dr. Stephen Chen and his team provide a variety of aesthetic plastic surgery procedures, including tummy tucks. A tummy tuck can help you enjoy better-fitting clothes and a smoother abdomen and help you reach goals you’ve been working toward but not quite reaching. In this post, we discuss why you might consider a tummy tuck, what kinds, the results you can expect if you have the procedure, and what makes you an ideal candidate.  

Reasons to consider a tummy tuck

If you don’t like the way your abdomen looks, you might be considering various ways to change it. You’re most likely already eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, but sometimes that’s not enough to budge fat pockets.

If you have separation of your abdominal muscles, a condition called diastasis recti, you may have more of a rounded belly than you used to.  During pregnancy, your muscles are stretched beyond far from their usual position and they don’t always bounce back. During a tummy tuck, Dr. Chen can repair diastasis recti. 

Stretch marks are another reminder of pregnancy that many women would prefer to be without. Removing extra skin during a tummy tuck often means getting rid of stretch marks.

Age can change your body in ways you don’t like. Both men and women come to our office unhappy with how their midsection has grown over time. A tummy tuck could be the solution.

What to expect

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure, and you’re under general anesthesia. This means you’ll need someone to drive you home. You’ll also have an incision and need some time to heal.

Immediately after your procedure, you’ll notice some swelling and bruising. We make sure that you know exactly how to care for yourself and what you should do if you’re experiencing pain. You’ll likely be able to return to work within two weeks, though you’ll need to refrain from lifting anything heavy or doing strenuous physical activity for anywhere from 3-6 weeks.

Who is a great candidate? 

A tummy tuck isn’t the right answer for everyone. During your consultation with Dr. Chen, you should get a good idea of what you can expect to look like after your surgery. Having realistic expectations is a key to being happy with your results. 

You should be healthy overall before you consider a tummy tuck, and it’s not an appropriate procedure for people who smoke. You should also be at a stable weight that is within about 20 pounds of your ideal weight.

If you’d like to learn more about whether a tummy tuck could be right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Chen. He’s always happy to answer your questions, and provide guidance on how you can reach your aesthetic goals.