
What’s the Best Age to Have a Facelift? 

Mar 02, 2024
What’s the Best Age to Have a Facelift? 
Depending on your aesthetic goals, your genetic makeup, and your level of patience, a facelift could be the right option to erase signs of aging regardless of your age. A facelift may be right for you even if you’re in your 30s or 40s or older.

Your genetics dictate some aspects of your appearance, including your skin’s elasticity. Environmental factors, like sun damage, can also play a part, but if people in your family have a tendency to develop jowls as they age, you probably will, too, and no amount of sunscreen is likely to prevent it. 

If you look in the mirror each day and notice unwelcome changes in your jawline, cheeks, or other areas of your face, and you think a facelift could be the right solution, it may be time to consult with Dr. Stephen Chen, a highly trained cosmetic surgeon. Dr. Chen doesn’t think that waiting to have a facelift until you’re a certain age is the best approach. 

Improved techniques

The medical name for a facelift is rhytidectomy, and the procedure was first documented in the 1900s. In the 1970s, physicians significantly improved the methods used to perform facelifts, and those improvements have continued. Today, a better understanding of the musculature and structures that support your skin means Dr. Chen can address the issues you have now, as well as those that are developing.

A traditional facelift involves incisions near your ears, while a superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) facelift is best for problems in the lower part of your face. A deep plane facelift can correct issues in multiple parts of your face. Other types include a mid-facelift, a mini-facelift, and a cutaneous facelift.

Regardless of your age, an experienced surgeon, such as Dr. Chen, can suggest the right procedure to align with your goals. Although it’s not possible to actually turn back time, Dr. Chen can help you slow down the aging process. 

Issues a facelift can correct

You may be wondering if it’s better to have fillers or if some other less-invasive procedure would be better because of your young age. Dr. Chen offers injectables and is happy to help you understand your choices. 

It may be helpful to know what kinds of issues a facelift corrects: 

  • Sagging skin on your cheeks
  • Jowls
  • Deep folds from your nose to your mouth
  • Sagging skin at your neck, sometimes called a turkey waddle

When you have a facelift, you may opt to combine it with other procedures, such as a brow lift or eyelid lift.

Although a facelift doesn’t stop the aging process, the results are permanent, unlike injectables, which wear off after a time.

What to expect

A facelift is an outpatient procedure, so you don’t have to stay in the hospital overnight. It usually takes about two hours. Then, you stay until the anesthesia has worn off before you go home.

You’ll have some swelling and bruising, but it should resolve within one or two weeks. You can gradually return to your normal activities in about two weeks and fully return to your routine within six weeks. The full results of your procedure will be noticeable about six months after your surgery.

Age isn’t the important part

Whether you're 35 or 65, your age isn’t the important part when you look in the mirror. It’s your satisfaction with your appearance. It’s your self-confidence. And a facelift could be the best way to feel great about your appearance. 

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Chen to discuss your options.